Ray Robirds outdoors color
Ray Robirds poses outdoors in the Sierra Nevada in the mid 60s.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
Ray Robirds poses outdoors in the Sierra Nevada in the mid 60s.
Blackie Preston photographed by Bob Mizer for Athletic Model Guild. Published in Physique Pictorial in the early 1950s.
Mutual Masturbation featuring Leon Huston and David O’Boyle, late 60s.
Ray Robirds poses outdoors with a donkey at a ranch, photos by Bob Mizer for Athletic Model Guild.
After posing for AMG in the early 50s; Gary Conway went on to a B-movie acting gig in “I Was a Teenage Frankenstein.”
Mid 1960s classic 8mm reel “Trapped” featuring David O’Boyle and Larry Neilsen filmed by Bob Mizer for Athletic Model Guild. a photographer holds his model at gunpoint and forces him to perform.
Ray Robirds photographed in Bob Mizer’s studio by AMG in the early 60s.
John Tristram plays cowboys and indians with another AMG model in the 50s.