Welcome to collectors realm 3, your source for the finest in vintage physique photography and home of the works of Jack Drago and Bob Kurtz.

How to use this website
Like the original store, this website thrives on a principle of organized chaos, you’ll never quite find two of the same thing in a row around here, and that’s on purpose.
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History of Collectors Realm 3

Telegraph avenue in the early 2000s had everything the virtuous young Cal student who strayed a little to far from the University of California Berkeley campus could need. Underground bookstores, coffee shops, street fairs around the holidays, yoga studios, trendy fashion shops and people’s park… a magical place.

If you walked down Telegraph past the head shops and the record stores, across the street from the goth chick lingerie store and the tattoo artist but right next door to the dispensary you’d find a funky little shop that sold baseball cards, magic cards, blacklight posters and underground punk rock videos on VHS.

The front side or CR3 was kinda a hub of the local punk scene and you might catch photographer Harald Oimen, the bass player of D.R.I working the front counter while talking to famed punk show videographer Anarchy Al. But if you were over 18, you could show your ID and walk through the beaded curtain to the back rooms, and see the real heart and soul of the place.

If you walk through the blacklight poster room, past the incongruous sound of religious radio, back in the office John Parr would be scanning slides and magazines to preserve the history of vintage pornography while Deekoo tinkered with early UNIX servers trying to keep one of the very first vintage porn sites online running.

Past the office lay the real store; a vast back room the walls stacked floor to ceiling with used ponography, organized nearly by title and era in boxes. Sticky magazines of every era and kind, the best pages already dogeared by the previous owner and sometimes spattered with his jizz.

The center of the room was occupied with stacks and stacks of VHS tapes, including a whole stack of Beta tapes that Bob tells me still sold well in the early 2000s. The back rooms were cruisy and if the old man that ran the place caught you he was as likely to offer you a job in porn as kick you out.

I should know, I was usually there as Bob’s whore shooting porn with folks like Ricky Ricardo, Deviant Kade, and Gabriel Showers with photographers like Harald O and Adric Petrucelli

I will always remember it as home of amazing experiences from making love to Ricky Ricardo to getting waterboarded on the loading dock, to meeting the guy who photographed Metallica while Dave Mustane and Cliff were still in the band.

Though times have changed and the original Collectors Realm 3 store closed in 2014, Bob Kurtz and I have kept up our 20 year friendship and we still maintain this website as a tribute to the original cr3.
About Bob Kurtz

Bob Kurtz was a high school athlete who who studied to be a phys-ed teacher. He had a lifelong fascination with porn, hiring Mark Nixon while still underage and making porn with his brother Mike on his 18th birthday. Through his brother he became an associate of J. Brian and a distributor for TYC and Calafran productions.
Bob inherited the David Carter estate and helped get it scanned, was instrumental to the deal that preserved the works of Bob Mizer of AMG and lead to the founding of the Bob Mizer foundation; and was instrumental to the scanning and preservation of many DSI magazines and slides from Western Photography Guild.
Bob has been making porn since 1967 and has no intention of stopping, having discovered many models including Steve Boyd, Deviant Kade, Woody Steele/Max Hardon, Ricky Ricardo and Jack Drago.
About Jack Drago

Jack Drago is a pornstar and leatherman who started exploring bondage in his teenage years and met Bob hustling in the early 2000s. Jack’s fascination with porn began with finding fisting porn in the trash at the post office at age 15 and getting a PO box so that he could order it mail order.
In the 2000s Jack founded Black and Orange video with Daddy Tiger, Dominic Young and Joe V. and made the films “Rock and Roll Leather Daddy” and the Nasty Boys series before flaming out on drugs and moving back home to Tahoe to sober up and quit porn.
In his hiatus years, Jack served as the host of Fabulous Lake Tahoe and worked as a cameraman on Wake Up Tahoe and for the Tahoe Onstage YouTube channel interviewing artists like Lady Gaga and Elvin Bishop. After coming back to Satan in 2014 Jack’s interest in porn was reawakened; leading to the start of the second CR3 website in 2016.

After returning to porn Jack Drago made a name for himself in the fisting scene becoming a regular at Fist Fest and a producer of fetish porn as well as a popular erotic hypnotist with Vast Country Hypnosis.