Once in a blue moon, I create a system so powerful that it can change you into an entirely different person. Follow along for the behind the scenes story of how I created “Satan’s Warrior ” hypnosis system.

Back in February (on a new noon in Aquarius with all the planets moving into that sign, I started collecting memes towards a spiral with the basic idea of mixing satanic guidance, bodybuilding, and BDSM on a dark theme black as transparent style of spiral like the one I’d used on Dark Spiral into Satanisim [pictured below].
I collected 2,600 memes, 900 of them made the cut. Over 40% of them my own original creation like this one below. Between 3 different versions and synchronizing the first variable background spiral I ever made, I wound up making between 4 and 10 decisions for every single meme in the final spiral.

As I sorted a story emerged of a scrawny boy who sells his soul to become a fighter with a huge cock and a muscle body, but must do perverted things in Satan’s name to seal the deal.

The music that I curated to sort the Spiral ultimately became the playlist I used to sample the Spiral and many references to the music wound up weaving their way back into the memes as the drafting advanced…
This lead to museomancy itself and guidance through music becoming a major theme of the spiral.

This lead me to the notion that, like a song the spiral should have a structure and a rythm. I decided after the unrendered Zero-draft was 80% complete that it should have a 5 act structure like a play based around a day-night cycle with days spent in the temporal world and nights spent in the spirit world.

This also lead to me innovating the notion of his deal with the devil involving a day without linear time so that he could train and fight for years in a single day. I rendered a the initial version of the spiral shown below to “see what it would look like” and started posting the memes to the website.
At this point I took a break and went on vacation in Monterrey with my fisting buddy and intended to get back to it but got wrapped up in other things instead. This project has always been astrologically charged and I needed to wait for the next portal.

In this case the time between the lunar eclipse on the 25th of March and the Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April. Around this time a subject who’d seen the spiral inquired about whether I might make an audio

While at the same time my study of the dark arts introduced me to the subject of Allister Crowley and Sacred Sodomy which got me writing a file on that which needed a set of subliminals. This was very convenient as I could make a stab at a Satan’s Warrior live session with my subject and then use it as subliminals underneath the Satanic Sodomy file I had recorded off of the text of the blog post that I had written. This went on to become the whole of the bonus file that comes with the system on Warp My Mind
This led me to get back to the painstaking phase of the work I had been dreading.

I had decided I wanted the background to change in response to the content of the spiral, in theory this is very simple but in practice this required my going through the list of memes making very precise notes about exactly which meme would mark the transition to and from each individual version of the background spiral.

This was paired with an expanded and improved selection of background galaxies so that I could set off the time warped sequences from the more normal sequences. Such that it starts of starfield and goes to warp speed as the kidnapper first smokes out his victim in Air…

Stays at warp speed for the whole next day, then slows back down to a clear and twinkly starfield while asleep in the night, establishing the rule of black and white stars in the real world and color in the dream.

This pattern repeats between Fire and Water, and then again with a twist between Fire and Earth because this time it emerges into the “transwarp” galaxy pattern that signifies the time warp.

This then calms back towards the starting pattern during the Spirit chapters so that the spiral can loop unobtrusively. I was pleased with the result, producing a spiral much more legible and sharp looking than the original and so I published it on the Alchemy of the Soul episode of Satan’s Warrior.

Take a look at the spiral below compared to the one shared above and you’ll see the difference is night and day! Just look how much better it works when the days are obscured but the nights are clear?
Watching this video inspired me to go back and chop up the live session I’d done with my subject into the form of a proper confusion brainwashing loop born out of my own desire to goon to the spiral on camera, which I proceeded to do in Warrior of the Bate Station.

At this point I got caught up in the transformation and wound up doing a bunch of ritual and shadow work. I knew there was supposed to be a main file but I had no clue what to put in it. I laid the project aside and enjoyed a busy summer.

I told my acolyte that I’d get back to work “when the stars align” and that turned out to be prophecy. August 8th as the sun entered Leo I went back to the Spiral and grabbed the text of every meme that caught my eye. The result was a script I recorded that very night.

The result was a gentle, philosophical and remarkably non-scary meditation on the philosophy of the Left Hand Path and how to transform through satanisim. It didn’t match the other files directly, but was the puzzle piece the system needed to be complete: the spiritual bit.

This was nothing like what I originally intended, but somehow it was better: what was meant to be a satanic alpha transformation file had become a Luciferian enlightenment engine that would work for anyone: new to Satan or mature, dominant and submissive alike.

And this is where the blue moon comes in: a super Blue Moon in Aquarius with amazing casting astrology. I decided that I would complete the binaural beats and mix on that date.

So I whipped out Gnaural and designed the most complicated layer cake of 8 different channels of binaural beats with a different frequency for each of the chakras.

If you are familiar with the Indian theory of kundalini, First the Bindu drips down, then serpent fire rises when you command the kundalini to rise.

In theory, in combination with the astrology around the project, this should turn the main file into one giant act of sex magic, using the binaural design to systematically open the chakras in time to the file, busting open the user’s soul and zapping them with a substantial magical charge towards the files ends.

In theory I should have created a pretty powerful spiritual experience, so I as soon as the render was done I put on my headphones and tried it out.
I tweeted “The 8 layer #binauralbeats on the new #hypnosis file I’m testing made me moan uncontrollably and throw horns. Anybody want to try?” and dozens of subjects took the plunge.

After writing, recording, making binaural beats and editing on key astrological portals backed by my own shadow work and spiritual journey… this file is a straight up work of Alchemy. I put clarified intentions, emotion, rapt attention and my shadow into making an artifact.

So of course I waited for the exact moment 6 planets were visible in the sky to upload it August, 28. The transformative karma of the astrology of that moment and its near proximity to autumn equinox and a lunar eclipse for the casting convenience of my future subjects.

Now this powerful magic is for sale on Warp My Mind for $20. A small price for a 5 file system so powerful It will transform you forever.
File Description
Become a satanic sex god with Satan’s Warrior! Let go of Christianity and explore the power and pleasure of the left hand path with this five file set. The main file (mp3) is a profoundly erotic meditation on the philosophy of Satanisim with an intense 8-layer binaural that’ll make you moan and leak. Then let horniness drive you to brainwash yourself deeper by edging to the hot-as-hell spiral and confusion brainwashing loop combo that reinforces what the main file taught you. Also included: the bonus file “Ritual Sodomy” to make anal sex into a satanic ritual for you, plus full scripts.
Notes: Download all the files, the system is designed to work together. Can work equally well for top, bottom, or switch. Designed to work on its own, should work fine with my other satanic files.
Going offline from 1-19-2025 to 1-22-2025 to work on sorting the sequel: Satan’s Warrior II: The Hollywood Ending, which won the twitter vote by 78-22% in favor.